One Family. One Lawyer. One Fee.

Amicable, Uncontested Divorces & Common Law Separations


Divorce or legal separation doesn’t need to be a battle.

We believe that kind and respectful separations are possible, because we see them happening in our office every day.

Our experienced family lawyer provides non-adversarial divorce and common law legal representation that is as straightforward and affordable as possible.

Because we know that no one family is the same, we offer legal advice that is tailor made to your specific relationship break up, with out-of-court solutions that are designed to reduce conflict, enhance cooperation, and ease the negative impacts of this major life transition as much as possible.

Our aim at One Family Law is to give our Clients the information and tools they need to negotiate a settlement that is fair and balanced, and then we take care of the rest of the legal details in-house from there.

Parenting Plans & Child Support

We offer child-centred legal advice based on the law, and include tips from modern child psychology leaders to help you structure a Parenting Plan that best suits the needs of your child(ren).

We also provide guidance and information to help with understanding how the law on child support works now that you live in separate homes.

Spousal &
Partner Support


Depending on the financial arrangements you had during your relationship, one partner may need some financial assistance after the break up.

We provide targeted legal advice based on the law on spousal support, taking into account your individual budgets and providing you with income sharing scenarios that are both practical and feasible.

Family Property & Asset Division


Sorting out how to properly and fairly divide the property you owned during your time together can be complex.

We help you prepare your financial disclosure, determine your individual exemptions and explain how the division of family property laws apply to you.

Legal Documents


Depending on your situation, you may only require some assistance with the drafting and processing of legal documents such as divorce papers, separation agreements, or prenuptial/postnuptial/cohabitation agreements.

We offer fair pricing for you to meet with our family lawyer, who will assist you in preparing and finalizing the legal paperwork required for your divorce or agreement.

We help you ensure that the settlement terms you’ve agreed to complies with the law on legal separations in Alberta, and that it’s filed properly with the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta.